Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ideal Reality....

I live in two conflicting worlds, and when I stand looking out the balcony I see two scenes. The concrete buildings of the condominiums around me, and the far away hills that roll its way around the country, reflective of its own true beauty. The country I live in is full of conflicts, and as it goes ahead towards ambition and development, it forgets its identity, stripping itself into a state of insecurity, going back and forth fighting within herself for a sense of who she is. She runs in circles...sadly.

The way she has to go, she thinks, is to allow herself to be adorned with architecture, some statelier than others, some disgraceful, and allow herself to be tricked into thinking she wants, so badly, a certain sense of recognition, for what - her economic success, or transformation? She runs, she chases, she hopes for a sense of place. She makes brash statements, reflective of her eagerness to put up a face. In reality, she is but a confused girl, caught between two conflicting worlds, the world of the far away hills, and the concrete.

Her brains are scattered, with confused leaders and no transparent intentions, or clear ambitions. Policies are not concrete, do they exist? She is not aware, of her own purpose, her own missions, her own strengths, her own self. So she floats, reacting, towards all around her, her mother, now old and yet she is always trying to prove herself to her, her sister, smaller yet stronger, disciplined to whom she tries to show a sense of strength over yet fails. Her faraway friend down below she aspires to, for she is beautiful and quiet in her own ways, yet unwavering in what she is in the world for.

The bullies around her, often wrapping their own agendas in sugar, and dressed in pretense of goodwill but in fact they are just trying to get their way and move forward. Often boasting their achievements which after some years prove to be but nothing. The selfish ones, they move forward in their own agenda, without caring. And her body, her body threatens to fail those who live within her.  Her people are beautiful, with their own strengths, yet caught up, to fall into the depths of...shallowness, those who are not are lost in an identity crisis.

I live in two conflicting worlds. In the mornings I feel closer to something other than the concrete. Dreams are realities, and I feel I can skip, fly, jump to heaven which is but a step away. The sun is bright and shining, and I can do just about anything, people are loving, empowering, and I am free. But I get into my car, and walk on the streets towards work, and hear the steel doors roll down shut. And I am stuck inside in the cold, and unable to fly. Caught within webs of someone else's agenda. I am caught between my ideals and my reality. So daily I fight. And hopefully one day, my ideals, get closer to becoming a reality.

I look out at her rather attractive face, and want to tell her she is beautiful. I wish she would embrace with a quiet confidence her own true beauty, and grow, the way she will, forward, with strength. I hope her brains wake up and recognise the very beauty of her and move her the right way. Until then, we all live daily, with a bit of heartache, a bit of discomfort for we are all caught between her reality, and her ideals.

How can they be reconciled?

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