Wednesday, July 22, 2009

grain of sand

The drawing of the curtains created a sudden sharp zapping sound and his eyes focussed for a while on the flame of the steady burning candle behind her. He did not dare to look at her, her eyes often drawing him in and locking him. It gave him an intense pang in his heart he was uncomfortable with, and yet the outline of her face highlighted by the orange flame enticed him to look at her. He closed his eyes and breathed in the smell of lavender and vanilla. Opening his eyes he found her sitting perfectly still, her eyes focussed on the words of the book she was holding and her lips tenderly kissed the cigarette buds and her chest raised as she drew in. She looked up and smiled. The sweet smile that would take him years to forget. And there it was again. The intense pang in his heart that made his stomach flutter. His heart ached with the sudden intense want for her.

He moved slowly towards her lengthening the minutes of deep desire. She looked back down at her book and he allowed his eyes to explore every single inch of her. Her toes, calves, and the bare skin of her thighs. Her pink boxers and the ribbon that held it around her hips. His chest raised as he drew in deeply the sweet smoky frgrance of her. He looked at the pink camisole hung loosely to cover the skin he desired to touch. He looked at the slender long fingers that held that book and the slender white arms that extend towards her graceful shoulders. On her neck hung the platinum necklace he had gotten her for their first anniversary. The diamond pendant sat at the dip of the necklace right where the lace of the camisole starts. He watched as her chest rises as she drew in another breath.

She was not a striking beauty, and yet she had a beauty that held one's heart tightly. The grip of her beauty was gentle, open and yet there were strings, invisible that tied one to that beauty. Almost like an addiction. It was bitter, sweet and salty, all at once. Her beauty was inviting, and old, comforting, not much like the commercial make up models that cut into any tranquil scene with their seductive glare. Looking back at them only caused a great disappointment for there was nothing in their sharp sudden beauty that held the heart tight. She was different. She gently draws you in, she gives you something else. Something about that beauty makes you want to linger. Linger on.

Beauty has this ability to cut through to the deepest part of the heart and beauty has the ability to stay there in its centre. That was his thought as he slowly reached out to touch her face. He drew close and lifted her chin and looked deep into her eyes. She smiled as she put her book aside and looked at him with eyes so tender. Deep desire fanned the steady flame burning in his heart for her. The flame that flickered fast to burst out and burn blue. A deep blue in the middle of fiery orange. He placed his hands on her waist and pulled her close. Their eyes meet and in that second the world faded. Nothing but her beauty held him close He kissed her moist lips that tenderly kissed him back and he began to explore, as if it were for the first time, the feel of her bare skin on his palms.

Beauty has the ability to hold the deepest part of the heart. This beauty in her had the ability to make walls of his heart give way to its centre. And at that moment she had acess to the very centre of his heart. The very core. She touched it lightly, and he wanted more.

He held her tight and as her bare skin touches his, he began to dive deeper. Deeper and deeper into the depth of her beauty. Slowly he swam, in her arms. He plunged. His skin tingled cold and hot. He reached in for more and her beauty fluidly surrounded him. As he floated, swam in the ocean that was her beauty, all things stood still in time.

Her beauty opened up and under it lay something more. In moments where he thought he had all of her to himself, he was left wanting, for more. He held her tight, close and beauty upon beauty unfolded. The layers slip off revealing another. Layer upon layer beauty unfolded. Layer upon layer he plunged. She lay allowing each layer unwrap. Unwrapped from herself he discovered there beneath it all lay the heart of the the creator from whom all her beauty flows, where all her beauty rests. He stood still, breathless and in awe at the glory. Her beauty was pure.

In that beauty pure the man lost himself and gave all that was within him. Unwrapped from himself she discovered in him the glorious presence of what was beneath that flesh. His love, pure. The candle flickered and let out its last light as it gently rests to allow darkness to envelope them. In that moment beauty and love drew in, deeply and rested. In that soft, smoky fragrant darkness she rested in his arms, she felt like had seen the world and even heaven.

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