Thursday, June 11, 2009

honey coloured butterfly comes flying in

Her hope lens had faded a little and she was forced to see things through the other lens. The view always sucks from the other lens, because things are blur and everything is grey. Her hope lens gave it all colour so at this point of time all things were grey. Grey sucks the energy out of her.

The scale went out of balance again and as she looked out the window and some things seemed to slip out of place a little. Disorientated and a little lost she was. She needed to move forward because she walks on quick sand and stagnancy sucks her in right into the depth where darkness was the only real thing. She struggled to find concrete ground and yet there was never a spot that was such here on earth. Not fer her. The gound is never concrete under her for too long, soon enough she would see the quick sand the illusion of concreteness hides so well.

It sucks for her when her hope lenses lose focus and she is left on quick sand with grey vision. Her brain clicks from the technicoloured pictures back to grey as it drifts from memory to vision, and back to memory again. Long enough and she would forget which was real. Things before her seemed like an illusion and she began to question the purpose of it all again. It makes her want to run. Run so fast to beat the quick sand. She needed to run, fast, now.

Running does an amazing thing, it alters your vision. Picket fences disappear to reveal the complete picture if you run fast enough past it. But most importantly after a while, you are forced to look ahead, straight ahead, with all your might in order to keep running. You start to focus foward and the floating and fading things that surround start to appear once again in its concrete form. Not so much like peeled paint or melted icing no more. Running. She needed to run, fast, now.

There she is, she began, picking up the pace, she began running. Hope she's got the right shoes on. Oh well, if she doesn't she'd just bear with the pain until her feet got used to it. Hopefully she's going in the right direction, otherwise she'd just hit the dead end. Oh well, she can always turn back and keep running until she is heading the right direction again. After all it's all a journey. No matter.

I looked up and began to stand. I struggled to see through what was the small clear spot in my hope lens. All my vision began to focus in on that spot and I geared myself to get ready to run. It was time to run. And so I ran. And as I ran I saw a honey coloured butterfly come flying in. I began to run, run behind the honey coloured butterfly. Just because. And as I ran the heaviness lifted and the goo stuck to my skin began to wear off with the wind and sweat.

Let me run. Run after the butterfly I see through my hope lens. Then it'll all be ok, because what is fading, will look right again. My vision will be clear again, soon. After all, the quicksand isn't fast enough to catch me. It ain't, honey coloured butterflies fly fast. Fast enough. Let me run focused on the honey coloured butterfly I see through my hope lens and let me beat the quicksand and see the big picture again. The picture without the picket fences.

Honey coloured butterfly, beautiful blue sky and no fences to fence me inside.

I am running, fast, now.

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