Sleigh bells ring, bono's voice on the radio and everything ticker taped chronologically before me. Yea christmas blues, that was last year, and now it is the new year and I am sitting trying to write about it. That is the thing, getting all gooey eyed and grateful that I survived the year, nostalgia, and the cliched what did I do with my year questions, the ticker tape still runs before me, and I do not want it to run with any repetitive pictures, nor do I want blank films. I rather let the film run with bad pictures than none at all. After all bad pictures play a part in that ticker tape of life. But then there were a few other pictures I'd like to have seen again and again.
New year greetings cannot help but flow, if I were that much of a pessimist I would've shrugged it off as just another day. I am guessing that deep down inside my inexcitability about life was just a temporary glitch and I am an optimist after all. That is nice, to be an optimist after all and my positive outlook wasn't just a denial of reality, but it really was a real outlook and perspective I held. I heave a sigh of relief and as I cut off the last ticker tape and replace it with a new reel knowing I will only pick it up again in a year's time because I do not want to be too aware of it, I want it to just run and me to be running with it so that each picture it snaps will be different, or at least to ensure there will be pictures when I review it next. It's all lived out and over, I open the window and let it go and it flies over land and sea as some of the pictures burn themselves onto my memory. Faces flash before me, the ones that have left here. A heap of photographed faces that will remain only photographs, stills, not running no more. I close my eyes and think of them I guess their ticker tape ran out, I hope they were happy with their ticker tapes while they were here though. I look at the ticker tape clean and fresh and I lay it down. And then I closed the door and got ready to jump, because I got to land running. I land and I begin this marathon yet again.
In my mind are blackpepper corns and pink petals, black coffee with honey and movie screens, faces of people I love, and their ticker tapes that I will be part of, scrapbooks of their hearts and laughter. Tears, rain, sad songs, happy ones, muse, and bono's voice on the radio, that always makes me smile. Scrubs and Dr House and Mr and Mrs Brown. Thigns that I never knew I could do, and the thigns that I thought I could do, but turned out to suck at. Many a things that will be laid out on that ticker tape that has already began to run.
So I have got the right shoes on this time, I hope, if I don't I will just change them, and keep running. That's all I can do to keep up with that ticker tape. and then, I just love with all my heart, and you'll see, it pours out onto that ticker tape in brilliant luminous colours so beautiful. I hope with all my heart for colourful ticker tape pictures next year.